Hormone therapy Geneva, IL - Revive Hormones

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy aims to supplement hormones that are deficient or lacking in the body. It can alleviate unpleasant symptoms of hormonal changes and restore optimal physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Treatment involves replacing hormones to reach normal healthy physiological levels either through medications, gels, or injections. Ongoing blood work helps determine and adjust dosing based on the patient's individual needs.

Benefits of balancing hormones with properly prescribed therapy by a hormone specialist can be remarkable and wide-ranging.

Common Hormonal Imbalances

Fluctuating or declining hormone levels happen to most men and women due to various reasons, such as aging, excess weight, high stress, thyroid issues, and other medical conditions. This often negatively impacts one's quality of life. Let's look closer at the most prevalent deficiencies:

Our services

Low Testosterone in Men

After age 30, testosterone production in men starts slowly declining by roughly 1% per year. But now, more younger men suffer from low T levels.

Symptoms may include:

Without adequate amounts of the main male sex hormone testosterone, men cannot feel or function at their best.

Menopause in Women

Menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive years with the cessation of menstrual periods. It is caused by estrogen depletion and typically occurs at ages 45-55.

Common symptoms encompass:

Fluctuating levels of reproductive hormones - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone - bring about these perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms that largely disturb women's normal wellbeing.

Restoring balance with hormonal therapy can effectively ease or resolve them.

Other Hormonal Issues

Deficiencies or imbalances in major regulatory hormones produced by glands - thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas - can also cause adverse symptoms diminishing people's health, vitality, and enjoyment of life at any age.

Thyroid disorders, diabetes, adrenal fatigue syndrome, PCOS, and other endocrine problems may significantly affect wellness too.

Optimizing these hormones along with sex hormones allows patients to thrive and live life to the fullest.

Restore hormones, regain health, vitality and wellbeing.

Evaluating Hormone Levels

Experiencing unpleasant symptoms is not enough for the diagnosis of hormone imbalance or deficiency. Proper lab testing is crucial for unveiling issues with the endocrine system.

Initial standard blood work to screen for hormonal dysregulation must include:

Other saliva tests can also identify abnormal cortisol patterns related to high stress or adrenal fatigue.

Appropriate interpretation of lab test results is key for detecting hormonal issues and recommending suitable treatment.

Benefits of Balancing Hormones

Benefits of customized bioidentical hormone therapy for men and women are extensive according to scientific research and the clinic's extensive expertise and observations.

Patients report improvements in all aspects of health, positive mood, increased vigor, strong libido, enhanced work productivity, weight optimization, and more lively interaction with partners, family, and friends.

In Men

Raising testosterone to optimal levels in men over 30 has been shown to:

In Women

Balancing key hormones in peri and postmenopausal women effectively minimizes or resolves such symptoms as:

In addition, optimizing female sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone - with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been clinically demonstrated to:

HRT can literally help women lead an active, fulfilling life without limitations!

For Men For Women

For Men


For Women


So whether you are a man wanting to reclaim lost vitality, build strength, and enjoy intimacy or a woman plagued by hormone imbalance symptoms - restoring your hormones is crucial for rejuvenation, disease prevention, and active longevity!

Starting Hormone Replacement Therapy

Our clinic's hormone doctors have over 15 years of experience restoring thousands of patients' hormones and energizing their lives.

We personalize effective, safe hormone protocols based on patients' symptoms, medical history, and diagnostic lab work.

Below outlines typical starting points for commonly treated hormone imbalances:

Testosterone Treatment Options

Testosterone therapy encompasses Testosterone creams/gels or Testosterone injections.

We start men with:

Ongoing lab testing determines necessary dosage adjustments specific to the patient's needs and long-term goals of therapy.

We find that for most patients, testosterone gels or creams tend to work better long-term rather than injections.

Testosterone Pellet Insertions placed under the skin lasting 3-6 months is another consideration we utilize successfully with a selection of patients.

Estrogen, Progesterone for Women

We prescribe:

Symptom improvements and labs dictate indicated dosage changes over the first months of therapy for each woman.

We find the combination of estrogen, progesterone, and diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes works best long-term for women needing HRT.

Thyroid hormone therapy - levothyroxine, liothyronine, and natural desiccated thyroid tablets like Naturethroid or WP Thyroid - is also specifically dosed for underactive thyroid patients based on symptoms and labs.

Follow-up blood work at 4-6 weeks, then every 3 months, is done to monitor hormone and cholesterol levels, adjusting prescriptions as needed.

Restore hormones, regain health, vitality and wellbeing.

Experience Caring Hormone Therapy at Revive Hormones

At Revive Hormones Medical Clinic, our hormone specialists take the time to listen to patients' hormone deficiency symptoms and health goals.

We offer customized treatment plans, closely monitor patients' progress, and provide engaged supportive care that makes a vital difference in hormone therapy success, optimizing wellbeing.

We welcome you to discover renewed energy, health, and passion for living you desire by balancing your hormones with our compassionate, competent medical team!

While there are still some misconceptions about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women, more people discover life-changing benefits from properly prescribed treatments enhancing wellness and longevity.

John remarks: "I had noticed low energy, weight gain, and low motivation starting in my early 40s. I found taking testosterone is helping me lose fat, build muscles, and mental sharpness I thought would be gone as I age. I have so much more energy to be active and really enjoying life again."

Michelle shares: "Menopausal symptoms made me miserable until bioidentical estrogen and progesterone treatments balanced me out. No more hot flashes, and I am feeling like myself again - positive mood, and strong intimate connection with my husband."


Hormone deficiencies and imbalances are quite common in adults, undermining wellbeing. But diagnosis and effective treatment are readily available.

Rebalancing key hormones revitalizes health, enhances disease prevention, and supports active longevity.

Renew your vitality and passions today with help from knowledgeable hormone doctors who understand the importance of listening and customizing plans for your unique needs.

Contact Revive Hormones to learn more about our caring approach and hormone-enhancing solutions!

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